How To Grow Your SME Without Increasing Your Personal Risk
Issue 032
So, you want to grow your business.
What is it they say?
If you’re standing still while others around you are moving forward, then you’re sliding backwards.
Everything is relative and that applies to the growth of small and medium-sized businesses as well.
If you’re planning to buy out a competitor to grow your market share, or you want to build that new factory or warehouse, you’ve got to ask yourself “where will we get the money?”
In the aftermath of the 2018 banking enquiry, small and medium-sized business lending is going to be pretty tight for quite some time to come.… possibly years, not just months.
However, if you start to look ‘outside the box’, you’ll find there are capital raising solutions that may work for you and they carry far less risk than dealing with the bank.
Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising (Click here) may be one of those options.
Sure, to use this process you have to issue shares in your company, which will reduce your ownership percentage - but hopefully will increase your net worth - but look at the benefits of acquiring capital, rather than having to go to your bank for a loan:
- No personal guarantees
- No security requirements
- No strict performance covenants
- No monthly repayments
With Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising you only have to pay shareholder dividends when the company makes a profit, and don’t forget, you’ll be one of those shareholders.
Visit our website (ESS Small Business) if you’d like to know more about Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising (Learn More), then go and talk with your accountant and see if there are real benefits in it for your company.
At ESS Small Business, we aren’t fund raisers.
We’re more of a research and information service.
Our role is to provide you, and your accountants, with all the necessary documents to allow you to raise capital under this newly legalised process.
Find out:
- What are the legal requirements to be a Crowd Sourced Funding company?
- What could be the key characteristics of companies interested in raising capital?
- How much can be raised?
- Want to know more about this opportunity?
- Want to know more?
You are invited to take advantage of the special New Year discount offer of 40% on the Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising Product Packages which have been developed for business people interested in understanding how Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising operates:
- SMEs Introduction to Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising – FREE – Click Here to access.
- Understanding the CSF Offer Document Process – normally $99 (incl GST), discount price $59.40 (incl GST). (Click here) to subscribe, entering the discount code ESSSBC40 at checkout.
- Overview of the Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document – normally $125 (incl GST), discount price $75 (incl GST). (Click here) to subscribe, entering the discount code ESSSBC40 at checkout.
- Preparing the Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document – normally $399 (incl GST), discount price $239.40 (incl GST). (Click here) to subscribe, entering the discount code ESSSBC40 at checkout.
- Introducing the Crowd Sourced Funding Intermediary – normally $125 (incl GST), discount price $75 (incl GST). (Click here) to subscribe, entering the discount code ESSSBC40 at checkout.
- Investors and Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising – normally $99 (incl GST), discount price $59.40 (incl GST). (Click here) to subscribe, entering the discount code ESSSBC40 at checkout.
- Post Crowd Sourced Funding Capital Raising – normally $29 (incl GST), discount price $17.40 (incl GST). (Click here) to subscribe, entering the discount code ESSSBC40 at checkout
- OR -
- Combined Crowd Sourced Funding Package for Small/Medium Enterprises including all 7 individual packages – normally $799 (incl GST), discount price $479.40 (incl GST). (Click here) to subscribe, entering the discount code ESSSBC40 at checkout.
You are most welcome to read our previous blog articles on Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising for Small/Medium Enterprises:
- How to say 'Adios' to your Bank Loans & Guarantees (Click here )
- Getting Pressured to Repay 'Bank of Mum and Dad' Loans? (Click here )
- 15 Step Checklist for Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising (Click here )
We are presenting a special webinar for business people called “Crowd Sourced Funding – What’s All the Excitement about for Business People?” on:
- Thursday, 17 January 2019 at 12.00pm AEST (1.00pm AEDT). Please (Click here) to register; or
- Wednesday, 23 January 2019 at 3.00pm AEST (4.00pm AEDT). Please (Click here) to register; or
- Tuesday, 29 January 2019 at 12.00pm AEST (1.00pm AEDT). Please (Click here) to register.
Alternatively, give me a call anytime on 1800 232 088.
Have a great day!

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