How To Retire With Dignity From Your SME
Issue 031 - Avoiding The Financial Nightmares
Holidays at the beach in January.
Starts you thinking, doesn’t it?
You look in the mirror and you say to yourself “wouldn’t it be great to be able to relax like this all day, every day?”
After all, you’ve put in 30 or so years of hard work.
So, you start thinking about retirement, but, you own and operate a small or medium-sized business.
That business has been good to you, but you’re now stuck with a lot of obligations, like bank guarantees, and you don’t know how you can slide out from under them.
How can you cash up and retire with dignity?
I’ll bet you’ve always thought that someone will come along and buy you out just when you we’re ready to ‘hang up your spurs’.
But, when you actually try to sell, you find out that selling SMEs isn’t that easy.
Well, as it turns out, timing could now be on your side.
There’s a newly-legalised capital raising process that may be the answer you’ve been looking for.
It’s called Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising. (Learn More)
Using this process could see you getting the cash in hand you need to retire and discharge those bank loans, while you still keep an equity interest in the company, that could give you ongoing dividends for years to come.
Sound interesting?
Check out our website (ESS Small Business - Crowd Sourced Funding) for more details or talk to your accountant about Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising and see if it may be the right fit for you.
Find out:
- What are the legal requirements to be a Crowd Sourced Funding company?
- What could be the key characteristics of companies interested in raising capital?
- How much can be raised?
- Want to know more about this opportunity?
- Want to know more?
You are invited to take advantage of the special New Year discount offer of 40% on the Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising Product Packages which have been developed for business people interested in understanding how Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising operates:
- SMEs Introduction to Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising – FREE – Click Here to access.
- Understanding the CSF Offer Document Process – normally $99 (incl GST), discount price $59.40 (incl GST). (Click here) to subscribe, entering the discount code ESSSBC40 at checkout.
- Overview of the Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document – normally $125 (incl GST), discount price $75 (incl GST). (Click here) to subscribe, entering the discount code ESSSBC40 at checkout.
- Preparing the Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document – normally $399 (incl GST), discount price $239.40 (incl GST). (Click here) to subscribe, entering the discount code ESSSBC40 at checkout.
- Introducing the Crowd Sourced Funding Intermediary – normally $125 (incl GST), discount price $75 (incl GST). (Click here) to subscribe, entering the discount code ESSSBC40 at checkout.
- Investors and Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising – normally $99 (incl GST), discount price $59.40 (incl GST). (Click here) to subscribe, entering the discount code ESSSBC40 at checkout.
- Post Crowd Sourced Funding Capital Raising – normally $29 (incl GST), discount price $17.40 (incl GST). (Click here) to subscribe, entering the discount code ESSSBC40 at checkout
- Combined Crowd Sourced Funding Package for Small/Medium Enterprises including all 7 individual packages – normally $799 (incl GST), discount price $479.40 (incl GST). (Click here) to subscribe, entering the discount code ESSSBC40 at checkout.
You are most welcome to read our previous blog articles on Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising for Small/Medium Enterprises:
- How to say 'Adios' to your Bank Loans & Guarantees (Click here)
- Getting Pressured to Repay 'Bank of Mum and Dad' Loans? (Click here)
- 15 Step Checklist for Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising (Click here)
We are presenting a special webinar for business people called “Crowd Sourced Funding – What’s All the Excitement about for Business People?” on:
- Thursday, 17 January 2019 at 12.00pm AEST (1.00pm AEDT). Please (Click here) to register.
- Wednesday, 23 January 2019 at 3.00pm AEST (4.00pm AEDT). Please (Click here) to register.
- Tuesday, 29 January 2019 at 12.00pm AEST (1.00pm AEDT). Please (Click here) to register.
Alternatively, give me a call anytime on 1800 232 088.
Have a great day!