An Opportunity To Finance Your Business Without Security, Personal Guarantees And Monthly Payments
Issue 033
Sounds great doesn’t it? Would you like to be in this position?
Already in Australia over $23.1 million has been raised by 27 companies since Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising was given the “green light” just 4 months ago.
This change represents the biggest change in business finance for small and medium-sized businesses in the last 35 years.
Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising offers a number of distinct advantages for your business/company.
Why do I think Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising will receive a vote of thanks by the Australian small and medium-sized business sectors?
- The process has been thoroughly proven in the UK, USA, Canada and New Zealand over the past six to seven years and is now challenging venture capital, in some of those countries, as the preferred source of funding for small and medium-sized businesses.
- As of 19 October 2018, small and medium-sized businesses can now raise capital direct from the public here in Australia.
- By utilising Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising, you may be able to raise finance:w
- without security
- without personal guarantees
- without monthly repayments
- Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising is definitely a “win” for eligible small and medium-sized businesses:
- group turnover under $25 million per annum
- group gross asset value under $25 million
- no member company listed on a stock exchange
- no member on a financial market
- money raised not being used for a credit facility
- There are no regulations relative to the type of business or industry in which your company or business is involved.
- There are no regulations relative to the age of your company – it could be a brand new start-up or a 95 year old company.
- Investors will be looking to see:
- what is the company’s vision;
- who is the management team;
- what are the directors' exit strategies; and
- what the directors and senior management propose to spend the money on to be raised from the share issue.
ESS Small Business provides some free information on the basics of Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising on our website – ESS Small Business - Crowd Sourced Funding - Learn More.
You can access 3 free articles – normally worth $75 - (Click here):
- Crowd Sourced Funding Small Proprietary Companies Checklist
- What is Crowd Sourced Funding?
- Crowd Sourced Funding Issuer Cap
Whilst you're visiting our website to download the free articles, please have a look at the other packages relative to Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising which currently have a 40% discount applying to them.
We also offer professional services to undertake the Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising Journey. Details of this new service will be on our website from 13 March 2019.
You are invited to join business operators, directors and management from all over Australia in a FREE webinar “An Opportunity to Finance your Business Without Security, Personal Guarantees and Monthly Payments” on Wednesday 13th March 2019 at 11:30am AEST, (12:30pm AEDT, 11.00am ACST, 12-noon ACDT, 9:30am AWST) (Click Here).
If you’d like to talk further about the opportunities that Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising is giving to businesses/companies, please give me a call on 1800 232 088 or email me –
Have a great day!
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