Companies need to have their “House in Order” - Andrew Geddes Chair of Greencross Ltd for 11 years (former ASX top 200 company) and a consultant to the Australian Accounting Industry for the last 30 years.
- “To raise capital SMEs have to go through all the disciplines of getting their “house in order” before investors will even consider supporting them, and in many ways that is a good thing.”
- “To put a Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document together a company needs:
- Well documented Business Plans,
- Budgets and Cash Flow Forecasts,
- A clearly defined “Corporate Vision”;
- Understands its purpose;
- Strategies and goals must be clearly defined;
- A thorough assessment made of their customer base;
- Identification of unique competitive advantage.”
- “Just going through this rigorous process with your accountants can help clarify whether your company is ready to start raising capital or whether there is still some work to be done.”
- “It’s really important for accountants and their clients to fully understand the pros and cons of Crowd Sourced Funding and the best way to get that is to begin with research.”
- Companies will also require a business valuation to determine the number of shares to be offered and pricing of those shares.
- All of this information is going to be required to facilitate the preparation of the Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document.
Click here if you wish to learn more about Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising or go to our website: We have discounted our Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising Products by 40% for the month of July 2019, please click here to view our special.
If you have any questions, please send an email to or telephone Peter on 1800 232 088.