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Posted: 03 May 2018

Directors You Need to Monitor Trends


Hello, I’m Peter Towers, Managing Director of ESS Small Business and ESS BIZTOOLS.  Welcome to Empowering SMEs.

Directors and committee members determine policies for companies and not-for-profits, charities or sporting organisations.  A key role of the board or the committee is then to determine the type of skills that the chief executive officer, general manager, manager or whatever you want to call that person, will need to be able to deliver the types of results for which your board/committee is looking.

You would then advertise and employ a suitable person.  That person’s role is to implement the board’s policies.  However, directors cannot wash their hands of this process at that stage.  Directors and committee members need to have implemented appropriate procedures so you’re able to monitor the trends and monitor what is happening within the organisation; throughout the year – not at the end of the year, but throughout the year so you’re able to determine whether the policies that the board/committee has signed off on are being appropriately implemented. 

Directors You Need to Monitor Trends

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