Here’s how you can discover and immediately start using the ultimate secret behind successful sales people – no matter what industry or profession you’re in...
The Sales Factor
The Secret of Selling Anything
“People know how to Make the thing they Sell, but only a handful know how to Sell the thing they Make”.
AT LAST an easy-to-follow Sales Training and Coaching Course
developed by International Best-Selling Author and Performance Coach – Trevor Marchant. (Trevor and his partner, Eve Dallas, have been featured in the top 1% of Sales Trainers and Performance Coaches in Australia and New Zealand.
Learn how to sell what you make, in your own time and at your own pace…
The SALES FACTOR correspondence/online course is the evolution of Trevor and Eve’s highly-rated and successful 2 day Selling skills course – High Performance Selling.
...and the difference with this course compared to everything else you might come across is you are being coached by a Master Sales Trainer and Coach and you will be in contact with Eve and Trevor at least every fortnight.
The Course
There are 12 Modules on the Course, usually completed at a rate of one per fortnight – however you choose when and where to complete each Module.
The course can be completed on an individual basis or as a team. Its more fun if you can do it with someone else – but not essential.
This course is worth a closer look…over 5000 people – from all walks of life – not just salespeople but people who now find they need to know more about selling …people in the Health Industry for example; Professional Service people – Accountants, Lawyers, Engineers etc as well as Small Business Owners – all over Australia and New Zealand.
Trevor Marchant BBUS
Performance Coach
- Master Sales Trainer - featured in the Top 1% of Sales Trainers and Performance Coaches in Australia and New Zealand.
- Head of Training Education and Development at Westpac in the 80's.
- Held State and Regional Manager positions with Westpac, State Bank of NSW and Suncorp.
- Co-Founder and Director of L J Hooker Moneywise International (now L J Hooker Financial Services).
- Has helped 70 accounting firms up and down the East Coast of Australia grow their revenue, hold onto their clients and attract more of the same.
- Has helped 5,000+ business owners and managers achieve their goals, dreams and ambitions with his down-to-earth, practical coaching style.
- Best selling Author - The 5-Minute Sales Culture Strategy and the Road to Success.
- Developer - The Growth Factor - The Best Business Advice You'll Ever Get
- Developer - The Sales Factor - The Secret of Selling Anything.
Eve Dallas
- Featured in the top 1% of performance coaches in Australia and New Zealand – specialises in relationships, health and sales.
- Tertiary qualified in Psychology and Counselling.
- Has helped 5,000+ business owners and managers achieve their goals, dreams and ambitions with her unique performance coaching style and skills.
- Co-founder Marchant Dallas Consulting – has helped over 70 accounting firms grow their revenue, hold onto their clients and attract more of the same.
- Best-selling author – RU Fit for Business.
- Developer - The Growth Factor - The Best Business Advice You'll Ever Get
- Developer - The Sales Factor - The Secret of Selling Anything.
- Top listing agent for major real estate company in Queensland – 2 years running.
- Buyer’s agent – specialising in the eastern suburbs of Sydney.
at the end of the course
You will know the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth – about Selling, irrespective of the current economic conditions.
You will be able to Sell with Complete Confidence.
You will understand the Psychology of Selling and Why People buy from You.
You will be able to Influence people and consistently outperform the competition.
You will know the Laws of Selling. You uphold them, and everyone wins; You break them, and everyone loses.
You will learn the secrets of how to ask questions – that sell.
You will be able to deliver world-class Presentations.
You will know how to handle any Objection and in most cases before they even come up.
You will learn how to close More Sales – More Often.
You will have at your fingertips – the A-Z of prospecting for new business... irrespective of your industry or profession.
You will be on track to deliver outrageous service and build a ‘tribe’ of raving fans.
You will learn how to crack the Sales management Code and be your own Sales Manager.
When you Accept that Selling is an essential skill, no matter what we do, and that can be selling ideas just as much as selling products and services, and we Embrace the idea that we must learn all we can about selling to give us the best chance to be successful and Apply what we learn on the SALES Factor course – every minute of every day of our working lives – everything changes.
Revenue goes up, Profits go up – and we start dealing with ‘happier’ problems.
The Sales Factor Process
We hope that you will join us for this exciting journey.
When you have paid, ESS Small Business will send you a welcome email with your access details for:
- - Module One
- - Letter from Trevor Marchant
You read Module One and answer the questions at the back of the module.
You send your questions and comments to Trevor.
Trevor will answer your questions via a 2-3 minute video and send you the email, together with the next module.
You simply repeat this process until you have completed the 12 modules.
On completion, you will be issued with a Certificate of Completion of “The Sales Factor”.
If you are going to undertake this course as a team, then the only change is that you submit the team’s questions and comments.
All you have to do to get started on this exciting journey is to click on Subscribe & enter your details, or your firm details – pay the appropriate purchase price and we will send you Module 1 so you can get started on your journey to “Good Selling”.
Purchase Package

By the way – this proven, time-tested method of teaching you how to sell is priced so anyone who wants to improve their sales skills and enjoy the rewards that come with that – can do it.